Saturday, December 21, 2013

Physics fundamentals for IIT JEE

The purpose of this blog is to introduce students and anyone interested in physics to problem solving. This blog is an extension of my love for Physics and I hope it keeps the viewers as much excited as me while solving the Physics problems. It also keeps me close to the best school days of my life when I was preparing for IIT JEE. The purpose here is not to do a lot of problems but to focus on quality rather than quantity. We would take one problem at a time and would try to go behind the problem and find the solution. Rather than doing hundreds of problems we would focus on one problem at a time and would understand physics behind it. We will pick questions from past IIT JEE papers, some books like HC Verma, Irodov,etc.

Below are some reasons for studying Physics(at least for me):
1. It brings us close to nature and science.
2. Its exciting and rewarding.
3. The satisfaction of cracking a tough question is awesome.
4. Its a brain stimulant and makes it to think hard so its a good exercise for mind.
5. In the end , you can't help but falling in love with it.

Also, some of the reasons students are terrified of it:
1. Its complicated and confusing.
2. Lack on understanding of basic calculus.
3. Detachment from mathematics and inability to think through.
4. General abhorrence to study.

Now we can't change the point 4 above but we can surely work on the above 3 points. So, in this blog,we will try to address these issues and hopefully in the end will come out as satisfied lot :)

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